
White Papers and Downloadable Resources

Canning, E., Chatman, J., Dweck, C. S., Kray, L., Murphy M. C.. "Organizational mindsets shape company culture, trust, and commitment.". Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2020.46, 626-642 Read

Canning, E. A., Kroeper, K.M., LaCosse, J., Murphy M. C.. "Feeling like an imposter: The effect of perceived classroom competition on the daily psychological experiences of first-generation college students.". Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2020. Read

Green, D. J., Murphy M. C., Wout, D. A.. "Learning goals mitigate identity threat for black individuals in threatening interracial interactions.". Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 2020. Read

Applegate, A., Frisby, M., Greiner, D.J., Kroeper, K.M., Murphy M. C., Quintanilla, V.D., Sherman, S.J., Yel, N.. "Underestimating the unrepresented: Cognitive biases disadvantage pro se litigants in family law cases.". Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 2020.26, 198-212 Read

Bowman, N. A., Canning, E. A., LaCosse, J., Logel, C., Murphy M. C.. "A social-belonging intervention improves STEM outcomes for students who speak English as a second language.". Science Advances, 2020. Read

Garcia, J.A., LaCosse, J., Murphy M. C., Zirkel, S.. "The role of STEM professors’ mindset beliefs on students’ anticipated psychological experiences and course interest.". Journal of Educational Psychology, 2020. Read

Canning, E. A., Garcia, J.A., Green, D. J., Muenks, K., Murphy M. C., Zirkel, S.. "Does my professor think my ability can change? Students’ perceptions of their STEM professors’ mindset predict in-class psychological experiences.". Journal of Experimental Psychology – General, 2020. Read

Diekman, A., et al., Murphy M. C.. "Open science, communal culture, and women’s participation in the movement to improve science.". Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS), 2020. Read

Bottoms, B., Carter, E., Emerson, K., Gopalan, M., Murphy M. C., Walton, G.. "A customized belonging intervention improves retention of socially disadvantaged students at a broad-access university.". Science Advances, 2020. Read

Kroeper, K.M., Murphy M. C., Williams, H. E.. "Counterfeit diversity: How strategically misrepresenting gender diversity dampens organizations’ perceived sincerity and elevates women’s identity threat concerns.". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2020.Advance online publication Read

Ablorh, T., Brady, S. T., Carter, E. R., Gilbertson, M. K., Murdock-Perriera, L. A., Murphy M. C.. "Intergroup friendships shape college students’ perceptions of injustice and collective action.". Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology, 2019.3, 49-61 Read

Canning, E. A., Green, D. J., Muenks, K., Murphy M. C.. "STEM faculty who believe ability is fixed have larger racial achievement gaps and inspire less student motivation in their classes.". Sciences Advances, 2019.5 Read

Canning, E. A., Chatman, J. A., Dweck, C. S., Emerson, K. T. U., Kray, L. J., Murphy M. C.. "Cultures of genius at work: Organizational mindsets predict cultural norms, trust, and commitment.". Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2019. Read

Cheryan, S., Hudson, L., Lombard, E.J., Louis, K., Murphy M. C., Plaut, V.C.. "Double isolation: Identity expression threat predicts greater gender disparities in computer science.". Self and Identity, 2019.19, 412-434 Read

Boucher, K.L., Diekman, A., Fuesting, A., Murphy M. C.. "Growing STEM: Perceived faculty mindset as an indicator of communal affordances in STEM.". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2019.117, 260-281 Read

Bowman, N. A., Carter, E., Holmes, J. M., Murphy M. C.. "Envisioning college success: the role of student identity centrality.". Social Psychology of Education, 2019.22, 1015-1034 Read

Kroeper, K.M., Muenks, K., Murphy M. C.. "Marriage Equality: On the Books and on the Ground? An Experimental Audit Study of Beliefs and Behavior towards Same-Sex and Interracial Couples in the Wedding Industry.". Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 2019.19, 50-77 Read

Boucher, K.L., Carter, E. R., Murdock-Perriera, L. A., Murphy M. C.. "Places of belonging: person and place focused interventions to support belonging in college.". Higher Education Handbook of Theory and Research, 2019.Vol. 34, 291-323 Read

Carter, E. R., Cheryan, S., Emerson, K. T. U., Murphy M. C.. "The long reach of prejudiced places? Stereotype expectations and motivation to pursue education among previously- and never-incarcerated black men.". Self and Identity, 2019.19, 456-472 Read

Murphy M. C., Quintanilla, V.D., Rucker, J.M.. "The immigrant labeling effect: The role of immigrant labels on prejudice against noncitizens.". Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 2019.22, 1139-1160 Read

Kroeper, K.M., Murphy M. C.. "Supporting college and career readiness through social psychological interventions.". In Larsen-McClarty, K., Mattern, K., Gaertner, M. (Eds.). Preparing students for college and careers: Theory, measurement, and educational practice. Taylor & Francis: New York, NY, 2018. Read

Bian, L., Cimpian, A., Leslie, S., Murphy M. C.. "“You need to be a genius to do that!”: Messages about brilliance undermine women’s interest.". Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2018.76, 404-420 Read

Kroeper, K.M., Murphy M. C., Ozier, E.. "Prejudiced places: How contexts shape inequality and how we can change them.". Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2018.5, 66-74 Read

Boucher, K.L., Diekman, A., Fuesting, M.A., Murphy M. C.. "Can I work with and help others in the field? How communal goals influence interest and participation in STEM fields.". Frontiers in Psychology, 2017. Read

Boucher, K.L., Murphy M. C.. "Why so few?: The role of social identity and situational cues in understanding the underrepresentation of women in STEM fields.". In Mavor, K.I., Platow, M., & Bizumic, B. (Eds.). Self and Social Identity in Educational Contexts. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.p. 93-111 Read

Carter, E. R., Murphy M. C.. "Consensus and consistency: Exposure to multiple discrimination claims shapes whites’ intergroup attitudes.". Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2017.73, 24-33 Read

Destin, M., Geronimus, A. T., Hatzenbuehler, M., James, S., Murphy M. C.. "Jedi public health: Co-creating an identity-safe culture to eradicate health inequity.". Social Science and Medicine, 2016.2, 105-116 Read

Destin, M., Murphy M. C.. "Social psychological approaches to supporting the college success of low income, first generation, and racial and ethnic minority students.". Working Paper Series: Improving College Completion. The Century Foundation, 2016. Read

Boucher, K.L., Murphy M. C., Rydell, R. J.. "Forecasting the experience of stereotype threat for others.". Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2015.58, 56-62 Read

Carter, E. R., Murphy M. C.. "Group-based differences in perception of racial bias: What counts, to whom, and why?". Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2015.9, 269-280 Read

Carter, E. R., Murphy M. C., Peery, D., Richeson, J. A.. "Does cognitive depletion shape bias detection for minority group members?". Social Cognition, 2015.33, 241-254 Read

Emerson, K. T. U., Murphy M. C.. "A company I can trust? Organizational lay theories moderate stereotype threat for women.". Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2015.41, 295-307 Read

Dweck, C. S., Murphy M. C.. "Mindsets shape consumer behavior.". Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2015.26, 127-136 Read

Dweck, C. S., Murphy M. C.. "Mindsets and consumer psychology: A response.". Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2015.26, 165-166 Read

Murphy M. C., Zirkel, S.. "Race and belonging in school: How anticipated and experienced belonging affect choice, persistence, and performance.". Teacher’s College Record, 2015.117, 1-40 Read

Dovidio, J.F., Murphy M. C., Perry, S.P.. "Modern prejudice: subtle, but unconscious? The role of bias awareness in Whites’ perceptions of personal and others’ biases.". Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2015.61, 64-78 Read

Dovidio, J., Murphy M. C., Perry, S.P., van Ryn, M.. "The joint effect of bias awareness and self-reported prejudice on intergroup anxiety and intentions for intergroup contact.". Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 2015.21, 89-96 Read

Murphy M. C., Ryan, A.M., Walton, G.M.. "Stereotype threat in organizations: Implications for equity and performance.". Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 2015.2, 523-550 Read

Garcia, J.A., Murphy M. C., Zirkel, S.. "Experience-sampling research methods and their potential for education research.". Educational Researcher, 2015.44, 7-16 Read

Emerson, K. T. U., Murphy M. C.. "Identity threat at work: How social identity threat and situational cues contribute to racial and ethnic disparities in the workplace.". Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 2014.20, 508-520 Read

Bottoms, B.L., Murphy M. C., Salerno, J.M.. "Moral outrage drives biases in juvenile sex offender registration decision-making.". Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 2014.20, 398-410 Read

Barnett, C., Murphy M. C., Wout, D. A.. "When having Black friends isn’t enough: How threat cues undermine safety cues in friendship formation.". Social and Personality Psychological Science, 2014.5, 844-851 Read

Bergsieker, H. B., Murphy M. C., Rheinschmidt, M. L., Richeson, J. A., Shelton, J. N.. "Cognitive costs of contemporary prejudice.". Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 2013.16, 560-571 Read

Murphy M. C., Walton, G.M.. "From prejudiced people to prejudiced places: A social-contextual approach to prejudice.". In Stangor, C. & Crandall, C. (Eds.). Frontiers in Social Psychology Series: Stereotyping and Prejudice. Psychology Press: New York, NY, 2013. Read

Bean, M.G., Horton, W.S., Murphy M. C., Richeson, J. A., Slaten, D., Todd, A.R.. "Prejudice concerns and race-based selective attention: Evidence from eyetracking.". Social and Personality Psychological Science, 2012.3, 722-729 Read

Murphy M. C., Taylor, V.J.. "The role of situational cues in signaling and maintaining stereotype threat.". Inzlicht, M. & Schmader, T. (Eds.). Stereotype Threat: Theory, Process, and Applications. Oxford University Press: New York, NY, 2011. Read

Dweck, C. S., Murphy M. C.. "A culture of genius: How environments’ lay theories shape people’s cognition, affect, and behavior.". Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2010.36, 283-296 Read

Murphy M. C., Steele, C. M., Wout, D. A.. "When your friends matter: The effect of White students’ racial friend networks on meta-perceptions and perceived identity contingencies.". Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2010.46, 1035-1041 Read

Molden, D.C., Murphy M. C., Richeson, J. A.. "A motivational approach to studying interracial interactions.". Social and Personality Compass, 2010.2, 1-14 Read

Gross, J. J., Murphy M. C., Steele, C. M.. "Signaling threat: How situational cues affect women in math, science, and engineering settings.". Psychological Science, 2007.18, 879-885 Read

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